Team IGG : Computer Graphics and Geometry

Jean-Francois Dufourd

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Professor in Computer Science at Strasbourg University, France

Teatching: at Dep. of Computer Science, UFR de Mathématique et Informatique, Collégium Sciences

Research: at LSIIT: Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Image, de l'Informatique et de la Télédétection


Domain: Geometrical and Graphical Computer Science

Key-words: Geometric modelling and computational geometry, Formal specifications and proofs, Proof helping with the Coq system

Current work: Specifications and proofs with Coq in topology et geometry:

  • in combinatorial topology: hypermaps, genus, planarity, discrete Jordan curve theorem, higl level operations
  • in computational geometry: convex hulls, triangulations and manipulations, Delaunay triangulations