Team IGG : Computer Graphics and Geometry


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Participation in associations

  • Eurographics : Jean-Michel Dischler is currently chair of the professional boards of Eurographics association.
  • Computer Graphics Society : Hyewon Seo is member of executive board of the Computer Graphics Society (CGS) since 2013.
  • AFIG : Dominique Bechmann (2006-2013) and David Cazier (since 2008) are members of the board of the AFIG (French Computer Graphics Association).
  • AFRV : Since 2006, Dominique Bechmann is member of the board of the AFRV (French Virtual and Augmented Reality Association created in 2005).

Participation in workgroups

  • GDR IG-RV : Dominique Bechmann is head of GDR IG-RV « Informatique Géométrique et Graphique, Réalité Virtuelle et Visualisation ». She was a member of the pilot committee of GDR IG « Informatique Graphique » (Graphics) launched in 2006 and renewed in 2010. The whole research group is linked to this GDR (Research group) through the workgroups « Modélisation Géométrique » (Geometric Modeling), « Animation et Simulation » (Animation and Simulation), « Rendu » (Rendering), « Visualisation » (Visualization), « Interaction 1 : Métaphores et Interfaces », « Interaction 2 : Perception et Usages » (Virtual reality).
  • GDR IM : We are also linked to the GDR IM « Informatique Mathématiques » (Computer Science and Mathematics) via the workgroup « Modélisation Géométrique » (Geometric Modeling) and to the GDR GPL, in the new workgroup « Langages, Types et Preuves » (Languages, Types and Proofs).
  • GTAS : David Cazier heads (with Marc Parenthoen) the national Workgroup on Animation and Simulation of the GDR IG-RV since 2014.

Organization of conferences

  • ADG2016 : Julien Narboux and Pascal Schreck are organizing the international conference Automated Deduction in Geometry 2016 in Strasbourg.
  • COQ2016 : Nicolas Magaud and Julien Narboux are co-chair of the Coq Workshop 2016 organized in Nancy.
  • CGI2015 : Hyewon Seo and Frédéric Cordier organized the international conference Computer Graphics International 2015 in Strasbourg.
  • EUROGRAPHICS2014 : Jean-Michel Dischler, David Cazier and Caroline Essert organized with all IGG team the EUROGRAPHICS 2014 international conference that hold in Strasbourg.
  • DBSMC @ MICCAI : Caroline Essert organized the international workshop on Deep Brain Stimulation : Methodological Challenges (DBSMC'2012) at MICCAI 2012 international conference in Nice, and was program chair. She participated in the organization of the 2nd edition DBSMC'2014 at MICCAI 2014 international conference in Boston MIT and was a member of the program committee.
  • Journées AFRV'2012 : Dominique Bechmann was in charge of the organizing committee of the national conference AFRV'2012 (140 participants), held from 29 to 31 October 2012 in Strasbourg.
  • ACM SAC : From 2006 to 2009, Pascal Schreck co-organized together with Dominique Michelucci and Xiao-Shan Gao a session of the conference ACM SAC (Symposium on Applied Computing) dedicated to constraints and geometrical reasoning.
  • Others :
    • Caroline Essert participated in the organization and program committee of the French workshops « Modèles en Stimulation Cérébrale Profonde (Planning, Implantation et Evaluation Post-opératoire): Problèmes Méthodologiques » : M-DBS’11, M-DBS’13, M-DBS’15 in Rennes.
    • Hyewon Seo participate in the local organizing committee and the scientific committee of "2011 EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology", in Paris in July 2011.
    • Caroline Essert organized, in the scope of the french-japanese project JST-CNRS "Improving the VR experience", 4 french-japanese workshop : in Tokyo in June 2008, in Strasbourg in March 2009, in Bordeaux at the end of 2009, and in Japan in 2010.
    • Julien Narboux and Nicolas Magaud organized a meeting of the CNRS GDR workgroup « Languages Types and Proofs » in November 2010.
    • Caroline Essert organized the symposium « VR for Medicine & Surgery » of international conference VRIC 2010 and was program chair.

Program committees and editorial boards

  • Editorial boards :
    • Dominique Bechmann is the editor-in-chief of the french online journal of "Informatique Graphique" (REFIG) since its creation in 2006.
    • Dominique Bechmann is member at the editorial board of the IJVR journal International Journal of Virtual Reality since 2006.
    • Jean-Michel Dischler is associate editor of the journal Computer Graphics Forum since April 2011.
    • Frederic Cordier is associate editor of the journal The Visual Computer (Springer) since July 2015.
    • Caroline Essert was an invited associate editor of the international journal Medical Physics in 2013.
    • Hyewon Seo is associate editor-in-chief of the journal The Visual Computer (Springer) since January 2016.
    • Hyewon Seo is associate editor of the journal Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (Wiley) since October 2012.
  • Program committees :
    • Dominique Bechmann is program co-chair of the international conference Computer Graphics Theory and Applications GRAPP'2017 in Porto (Portugal). She is member of the program committee of the international conferences : ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Physical SPM since 2013, Computer Graphics Theory and Applications GRAPP since 2015, Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications HUCAPP 2017, and Computer Graphics International CGI since 2015.
    • Frédéric Cordier is program co-chair of the international conference Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA) 2016 organized in Geneva, Switzerland. He has been program co-chair of the international conference Computer Graphics International (CGI) 2015 organized in Strasbourg. He was member of program committee of the international conferences : ACM/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (2015, 2016), International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP 2015, 2016), Expressive (The Joint Symposium on Computational Aesthetics and Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling and Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering) 2014-2016, SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling (2013 and 2016), Computer Graphics International (2010-), Computer Animation and Social Agent (2012-), ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (2015, 2016).
    • Jean-Michel Dischler was member of the program committee of the conferences : EG Parallel Graphics and Visualization (2009-2011), EG Symposium on natural phenomena (2006-2009), Computer Graphics International (2011) et Eurovis (2010).
    • Jean-François Dufourd and Pascal Schreck are members of the program committee of the GCR (Geometric Constraints and Reasoning) track of the conference ACM SAC (Symposium on Applied Computing) 2011.
    • Julien Narboux is a member of the program committees of the workshops CTP Components for Educational Software (ThEDU 2011), Automated Deduction in Geometry (ADG 2010-2016), Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA 2012), The 7th International Symposium on Symbolic Computation in Software Science (SCSS 2016).
    • Basile Sauvage is a member of the program committee of the international conferences Computer Graphics International (CGI 2015), International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP 2016).
    • Hyewon Seo is a member of the program committees of the Computer Graphics International (2006-2011), International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (2006-2011), and Eurographics Poster (2011).
    • Pascal Schreck was head of the program committee of the workshop Automated Deduction in Geometry ADG 2010 and co-editor with Julien Narboux and Jürgend Richter-Gebert of its LNAI post proceedings. He is since member of the unofficial steering committee which organizes ADG workshop every two years.